Posts How To Care Your Mouth After Tooth Removal?

How To Care Your Mouth After Tooth Removal?

You need to take care of your mouth after a treatment like tooth removal. Here are some of the instructions you can follow that helps for better healing of the wound.

  1. Bleeding

    It is normal for the wound area to ooze slightly for 24 hours after the procedure. Dentist would keep some gauze after the procedure. Bite on it for 30 minutes. If needed, ask for extra gauze. If the wound area bleeds again,you can make the gauze to a ball shape and keep it in the wound.

    There are some points you have to keep in mind for proper healing and to avoid excess bleeding:

    • Tell the dentist if you are taking any medications
    • Refrain from smoking for at least 24 hours after the procedure
    • Don’t suck on a straw during first 24 hours
    • Don’t spit/rinse/vigorously during first 24 hours
    • Keep your head elevated while sleeping
    • Don’t do any strenuous exercises for 24 hours.

    Contact your dentist if bleeding persists or bleeding restarts or have any bleeding of concern.

  2. Pain and discomfort

    Some pain and discomfort are normal for a few days after the procedure. Take the pain killers Before the numbing effect wore off. Contact your dentist if pain increases in severity or anything of concern.

  3. Diet

    • Avoid hot/hard foods for 2 days
    • Have cold soft diet and easy chewables(mashed potato/pasta/ice cream/yoghurt)
    • Have enough water
    • Avoid drinking alcohol
  4. Oral hygiene

    Keeping the teeth and mouth clean helps in healing wounds. Gently brush the teeth that are away from the wound area in usual fashion. After the first day, you can brush in normal manner. From the second day, you can also start warm saline rinse for a week.resume your usual oral hygiene by the fifth day.

  5. Swelling

    Swelling is a normal body reaction in response to the procedure of tooth removal. Formation of swelling after tooth removal depends on the teeth which has been removed and the procedure used. If there is swelling on the day of tooth removal, apply ice packs over the area. On subsequent days, application of heat will be helpful.

  6. Stiffness of the jaw

    Stiffness of the jaw and difficulty in mouth opening depends on the teeth removed and the procedure used. It will improve in 5-10 days. Application of moist heat will be helpful.

All these information are general in nature. Please consult with your dentist as well for the individualised advice.

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