Posts Ten Myths About Dentistry

Ten Myths About Dentistry

The ten myths about dentistry are

  1. You only need to go to the dentist when you have got toothache

    Toothache is something that is a consequence of tooth decay in most cases. It usually needs extensive treatments. But if we could do the dental checkups frequently, dentists can identify the decay in the early stages. They can do the necessary treatments and reduce the chance for toothache in future. Extensive treatments for tooth ache mostly involve root canal treatment and capping procedures which are expensive. Regular dental checkups and necessary treatments doesn’t cost much compared to the extensive treatments. So don’t you think that it is wise to go for regular checkups rather than going to the dentist only when there is pain.

    Gum diseases usually start as gum bleeding. If you couldn’t do professional cleaning regularly, there is a chance that you could miss an important symptom of gum disease and the condition progresses gradually.

  2. Baby teeth are not important

    Baby teeth help the child functionally and aesthetically till he is around 6-7 years. After 6 years, baby teeth start to exfoliate one by one and while reaching 13 years, there will be only permanent teeth in most of the children.

    Baby teeth help to maintain the space in the jaw needed for permanent teeth. Any trauma or infection happening to baby teeth can affect underlying permanent teeth.

    It’s important to care for your baby’s teeth from the start.Begin cleaning your baby’s mouth during the first few months after birth by wiping the gums with a clean, moist gauze pad or washcloth.

    The ideal time for the first dental visit would be 1 year or 6 months after the first primary tooth had erupted.

  3. Oral health is not important since it stays in the mouth

    Oral health is equally important as general health. Oral diseases or conditions can considerately affect your general health. A person with poorly controlled diabetes has some effects in his mouth.According to studies, a person with gum disease has a chance to get diabetes. It’s a two way relationship. When the decay is not treated, it can progress to cause infection with swelling and in some cases, it can be fatal as well. This affects your general health. Hormonal changes in the body can have some effects in the mouth. Mouth is the mirror of the body.

  4. Brushing harder cleans better

    It’s the brushing technique that matters rather than brushing harder. Brushing in a harder manner can damage the teeth. It’s always advisable to use the correct brushing technique for proper and effective plaque removal.

  5. Yellow teeth are not healthy teeth

    Tooth has 3 different layer inside, enamel(what we see from outside), dentin and pulp which contain nerve cells. In some people, the outer layer, enamel, would be thin so that the inner layer , dentin is seen from outside. Unlike enamel, dentin is yellowish in color. The tooth appears yellowish because of the color of the dentin. It doesn’t means that teeth is not healthier. But it has to be differentiated from the condition where there is plaque and tartar.

  6. Flossing isn’t really necessary

    There are small gaps between teeth making the toothbrush difficult to reach and remove plaque effectively. In this case, flossing is beneficial since it can pass through this small gap and remove the plaque. Interdental brushes also are used to remove the plaque between the teeth.

  7. Teeth cleaning causes removal of enamel

    Teeth cleaning removes plaque and tartar, not enamel. Teeth cleaning tips are designed in such a way that it simply removes plaque and tartar. Enamel is the hardest substance in the body.

  8. Using a hard toothbrush will clean my teeth better

    Usage of hard brushes can damage your teeth and gums according to the way you brush. It would be better to use medium toothbrushes if otherwise instructed.

  9. You shouldn’t have any dental work done during pregnancy

    Most dental treatments can be done safely during pregnancy. In general, elective dental procedures can be done in the second trimester. If x rays are necessary for the assessment or diagnosis or treatment of the condition, there is no reason or grounds to defer them. Radiation protection measures can be used in this case.

  10. Toothpaste with crystals are more effective than plain ones

    Tooth paste with crystals can be abrasive for the teeth. Plain ones with fluoride will be fine for the teeth.

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